Understanding Eczema and the Importance of Hydration December 22, 2024Chatham Natural Skin Care According to the National Eczema Association, There are 7 different types of eczema.
The Quest for the Perfect Winter Moisturizer December 10, 2024Chatham Natural Skin Care Finding the right moisturizer can feel like searching for a unicorn in a forest—magical when you find it, but oh-so-elusive. Still, trust us, your skin will throw a mini...
Thankful November 01, 2021Chatham Natural Skin Care1 comment I believe that if you are blessed, it is a MUST that you share those blessings with other. You must be a light in someone life.
Is there a cure for eczema? August 30, 2021Chatham Natural Skin Care Unfortunately, Eczema is an autoimmune disease that doesn't have a cure. There are things you can do reduce the symptoms. Know your eczema triggers. You can get an allergy test...
Can you just have eczema on certain parts of your body? January 15, 2021Chatham Natural Skin Care Yes, eczema can appear in patch. For some it only appears on the hands, for others it appears in the crevices of their skin, for others it appears around their...
Hydrate from the inside out. January 10, 2021Chatham Natural Skin Care Water is a super important to our bodies. Especially if you suffer from Eczema. An adult body consists of 55% to 65% water. When our body is dehydrated, it doesn't...
What do you have to cure eczema? June 18, 2020Chatham Natural Skin Care What do you have to cure eczema?
Cool Mist Humidifier October 25, 2019Chatham Natural Skin Care If you have eczema, dry air can make your skin feel worst. Running a cool mist humidifier at night, along with using a good moisturizer like All Over Butter or Ultimate Hydration, can...
Bath Time Routine October 20, 2019Chatham Natural Skin Care Taking a bath or shower a night has its benefits. Not only does it relax your body after a long day, it also helps to retain moisture.
Eczema in Infants can be a result of allergies. June 28, 2019Chatham Natural Skin Care Mom's who breastfeed can unknowingly pass allergens on to their little ones. Food allergens can present itself in various ways. Your baby can have an eczema breakout, develop a rash,...
Know Your Triggers June 21, 2019Chatham Natural Skin Care Being aware of triggers is crucial to successfully managing eczema. When Samantha was first diagnosed with eczema, her formula being an eczema trigger was the furthest thing from my mind. I immediately...
Gluten and Eczema June 14, 2019Chatham Natural Skin Care There is is huge correlation between gluten intolerance and eczema. When Samantha turned 2, we were finally able to get an allergy test. We found out that she suffered from...